Hi - my name is Louiza Sophie. I am a Danish woman and I founded the company Danish Global back in 2018.
I lived in Sydney, Australia for two years and I have always travelled a lot. So, I know how much you must miss Danish candy and Danish food, when you live abroad. :) Dansk lakrids....remoulade....rugbrød....er det nødvendigt at sige mere? ;)
All products are to find in a Danish supermarket…
In the picture, I'm sitting next to Kim. Together, we are committed to offering you the highest quality products with the best freshness, and we pack them carefully to ensure they arrive safely, no matter where in the world you live.
Tak fordi du handler hos os! / Thank you for shopping with us!
Kind regards Kim og Louiza
Danish Global - a Danish company in Denmark
På dansk:
Danish Global er en førende dansk onlinebutik. Vi er dedikeret til at bringe danske produkter til alle jer danskere, der bor i udlandet, og til personer over hele verden med en tilknytning og længsel efter Danmark. Vi tilbyder et bredt udvalg af produkter af høj kvalitet, der vækker minder og hjælper med at bevare og fejre dansk kultur og traditioner. Vores mission er at gøre det nemt for dig at holde Danmark tæt på, uanset hvor du er.
In English:
Danish Global is a leading Danish online store. We are dedicated to bringing Danish products to all Danes living abroad and to people all over the world with a connection to and longing for Denmark. We offer a wide range of high-quality products that evoke memories and help preserve and celebrate Danish culture and traditions. Our mission is to make it easy for you to keep Denmark close, no matter where you are.
Danish Global ApS • Haslevvej 11, 4100 Ringsted, Danmark • CVR. 37420263 • support@danishglobal.com