Fastelavn - Creative art 160 g

The weight shown above is the gross weight. The net weight, which is lower, can be found in the product description below the image.

49,95 DKK

Your shipping cost will be calculated based on the gross weight and volumetric weight. Make sure to check if you're making the most of the shipping cost when you reach the cart/checkout.


Lav dit eget fastelavnspynt

Fastelavn kreapakke i pastelfarver.

- 7 stk. A4 karton i 7 farver
- 6 stk. silkepapir A3 (foldet)
- Ca. 10 stk. piberensere (30 cm)
- Hvid elastiksnor (ca. 2 meter) til masker
- Ca. 20 stk. små pompom 10 mm
- Ca. 10 par øjne i forskellige størrelser
- Foamglitter i forskellige farver og former
- A4 ark med skabeloner til masker, katte og krone.

Net weight 140g

Volume / Gross weight  160g

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