Terrasana - Saltlakrids / Meterlakrids - salty liquorice - Best before date 27th January 2025 76 g

The weight shown above is the gross weight. The net weight, which is lower, can be found in the product description below the image.

5,00 DKK 29,95 kr.

Your shipping cost will be calculated based on the gross weight and volumetric weight. Make sure to check if you're making the most of the shipping cost when you reach the cart/checkout.


Best before date 27th January 2025

Denne lækre lakridsstang, som vi kalder meterlakrids, er godt nok kun ca 70 cm lang – men stadig lige så god! Den er lavet af økologisk og vegansk saltlakrids med en blød og dejlig konsistens.

Netweight 56g.

Volumen / gross weight 76g.