Merry Christmas 2022

Merry Christmas 2022

🎄 Christmas is arriving soon...
            ...sooner than you think.


....and that means that it's Danish-Christmas-hygge-time.
There are many ways to celebrate Christmas, but the old Danish way is one of the best 😃

The rest of the year, we will make sure that you have the best opportunity to celebrate Christmas like a Dane in Denmark.

Look out for the newsletter and get inspired by the Danish Christmas traditions, eat all the Danish candy you know and love and make Christmas food (almost) the
way your mormor / farmor did it.... ❤️

If you aren't signed up for our newsletter, click here and sign up today.

We look forward to be spending Christmas with you and Danish Global...
Many pre-Christmases-regards from Annette and Louiza 🎄